

Managed Staff + Team

This is sort of like the Gig-Economy, except DevShares will hire and employ your desired Freelancer, Contractor or Employee, then split their hours among other DevShares Members, Businesses and Companies who need the same skills (and services) that worker provides.

The immediate plus-side is that you get an affordable, flexible resource who also gets benefits and insurance, not to mention one who we manage - making them more reliable and dependable than just a “gig” worker.

In addition, if that person ever gets sick of needs to take time off, you’ll have immediate, uninterrupted coverage via our other Team Members, some of which will already be trained on your stuff. We think of it as an Elastic Support Staff.

At the end of the day, technology is enabling the economy and workforce to become far more remote and transient. So rather than fight that inevitable shift, DevShares is embracing it. As a result, DevShares Managed Staff will have extremely flexible schedules, which is what a lot of people want, allowing them to not feel trapped or too restricted.

And, with our Cross-Training Backup strategy, we are 1000% confident you’ll receive the same or similar level of support even when your primary worker is not available. In fact, we envision it where your Backups will even be the same one or two workers, giving both you and them a growing familiarity.

Just shoot us an email and let us know what kinds of skills or workers you’re interested in and we’ll take special note of your needs and start to check with our other Members or you can simply post a Listing expressing your need for an Employee or Worker (ie. Job Position) in our regular Listings or Quick+Match sections...


If you’d like to speak to one or more members from our team or would like a tour and demo of the DevShares Platform and Services, please feel free to email us at or call us at 312-857-3511 (Chicago Local).

We’d love to learn more about your project or idea. Fill out the form below to schedule a time with someone from the ChattrBox Team.

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